Event Schedule


Monthly Worker Co-op Mixer (April event cancelled, next Mixer May 9th, location TBD)

Every second Thursday of the month from 6-8pm, Kingston

(Th)Empower Co-op is partnering with LIFT Economy, Co-op HV and the Good Work Institute to bring you a one of a kind networking event, designed specifically for individuals in worker co-ops and those who are eager to connect, share success stories, and amplify their collective impact.

Check out (Th)Empower Co-op website for updated details each month!

Past Events

Shared Leadership Skill Share & Mixer

September 28th, 6-8pm, GWI Greenhouse Kingston

Is your business, org, or working group engaged in the practice of sharing power, leadership and decision-making? Come to the GWI Greenhouse to share experiences with your peers!

Learn more about the event, and sign up here!

Co-op 101 Workshop / Taller de Cooperativas

October 12th, 5:30-8pm, Rock Steady Farm, Millerton

Bilingual: facilitation in English with interpretation in Spanish

Join Co-op Hudson Valley and Rock Steady Farm for an introductory workshop about cooperative businesses. This in person workshop is geared towards folks that are early in their journey of forming a cooperative project, and for people interested to see how the Worker Cooperative model works in an existing farm business. This workshop will take place at Rock Steady Farm in Millerton, in a yurt, masks are required.

Learn more and register here!

12 de Octubre, 5:30-8pm, Rock Steady Farm, Millerton

Bilingüe: facilitación en Inglés, interpretación en Español.

Este taller está dirigido a personas que se encuentra en las primeras etapas de formar una cooperativa y para personas interesesadas en ver cómo funciona el modela de una cooperativa de trabajadores en un negocio existente. Este taller se llevará a cabo en Rock Steady Farm en Millerton, en una yurta, se requieren máscaras.

Aprende mas y registrarse aqui!

Democratizing Work: Ways of Sharing Power, Leadership and Decision Making

October 18th, 20th, 24th — 9:30am-12:30pm each day

Join Co-op Hudson Valley and the Good Work Institute for a three-part series to explore the tools, policies, practices, culture, frameworks, and models of shared leadership and democratic decision making.

Click here for more information and to register!

NYS Cooperative Summit (postponed until 2024)

The NY Cooperative Network is hosting a day long summit for cooperators. All are co-ops are welcome - start-ups or conversions, consumer or worker, marketing or purchasing, agriculture or electric, food or financial, housing or anyone curious about how the cooperative model works to save legacy businesses, provide for social and racial equity by reducing wealth and income gaps, and create resilient communities today and into the future through democratic ownership.

Co-op Hudson Valley will co-host a session with Cooperative Fund on the Northeast on getting lender ready.