Rock Steady Farm


Rock Steady Farm Investment

Rock Steady was founded in 2015, and is a worker-owner cooperative producing vegetables on a total of 12 acres in Millerton, New York. In addition to their holistic, sustainable farming practices, they work to increase equity in the food system and create safer spaces for queer and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) farmers to thrive.

From start up costs to investments in critical infrastructure, Co-op HVhas been investing in Rock Steady since 2016.


2016: Non-Extractive Loan for startup costs and conversion to cooperative ownership.

2016-2019: Each year Rock Steady took out a of line of credit to support cash flow for their seasonal business.

2018: Non-Extractive Loan to build a greenhouse, which allowed them to increase amount of food they can grow.

2022: Non-Extractive Loan to purchase new office.